

Accused of ‘reverse racism’

The Incident

A staff who lost a promotion to a person of color has just emotionally accused me of reverse racism. They have stepped outside to collect themselves. I’m not sure how to respond when they return.

Quick Steps

1. ASSERT (in your mind):   I’m hurt by this allegation, but I won’t let it derail me.

2.  ASSESS:    What does [name of staff] need of me right now?

3. ARTICULATE:     Examples: [Adjust wording as needed].

“Thanks for your honesty in how you feel about [person who got the job] winning the promotion…”  

“I’m not in your shoes, but no-one likes to feel robbed of something they think is theirs…”

“You were a strong candidate, but [successful candidate] had more of the strengths we needed…”

If you ready to take on more responsibility, I’m willing to help…”

4. ACT

Are they open to talk further?      Set a time to meet again.

Are they still upset?    Ask them to consider your offer.         

Worried how this will look to the team?     Don’t share your conversation with them, but support
anyone wanting to further their career. Show private and public support for the successful candidate.

Divigo Supports

DEI SUPPORTS AND TOOLS/DEI in Action/Management/

  • “Open Dialogue Communication Tool”

HELP CENTRE Scenarios/Hiring and Promotions

  • “Accusations of Reverse Racism” scenario (7 Minutes)
