

Anti-Indigenous Joke

The Incident

I’m Indigenous but most people don’t know. My co-worker made a joke about Indigenous Peoples. He thinks its funny. I think its racist. How do I handle this?

Quick Steps

1. ASSERT (in your mind):   I will not be bullied into silence. I will speak out.

2. ASSESS:         How was the joke received…Did people smile? Look away awkwardly? Who is in the space: did the ‘joker’ have back-up? Does the ‘joker’ have power over you?   

3. ARTICULATE:                                              Examples: [Adjust wording as needed].

“ Come on, that joke disparaged Indigenous Peoples and put them in a bad light…”

“Even people who are not Indigenous found it uncomfortable: they just didn’t say anything…”

“I love a good joke but a good joke doesn’t target people’s identity. You can do better …”

“This kind of joking makes our team unsafe and it violates human rights laws …”

4. ACT

You didn’t feel safe responding?  Talk to the joker after. Give them a chance to save face and apologize to the group.

You spoke up?       Don’t apologize even if accused of ‘political correctness’.  You did the right thing.

You failed to speak up? Figure out why and what you will do next time. Use Divigo supports to build confidence…See if anyone else feels the same.    

Divigo Supports

MINI COURSES/Think Again course 1 video /“See Racism” (6 Minutes)

HELP CENTRE scenario/Racist Jokes and Inclusive Language /“Racist Jokes among Staff”. (Even if you’re not a manager you will find the sections on Check the Code and Check
