

Inappropriate Nickname

The Incident

People on the team use nicknames for each other. But as an Indigenous person I’m uncomfortable with the name they just called me. What should I do?

Quick Steps

1. ASSERT (in your mind):   They mean well but this is unacceptable.

2. ASSESS:         Is this ignorance, or intentional racism? Are people normally respectful of diversity and of Indigenous Peoples in particular? Are you prepared to be called ‘sensitive’?  

3. ARTICULATE:    Examples: [Adjust wording as needed].

“ I know you mean well, but that name is offensive to Indigenous Peoples…”

“The nicknames you have for other people are funny without being offensive…” OR

“The other nicknames are also hurtful to some [insert name of groups] who stay quiet……”

“What if I give you permission to call me [insert nickname] instead…?

“It’s not your intention that matters, it’s the impact of the word. There’s history behind it.”

4. ACT

People refused to stop?  Strategize how you will bring this to HR or the union.

You spoke up?       Ignore being called ‘sensitive’.  You did the right thing. They need more sensitivity.

You failed to speak up? You may not be comfortable for various reasons. But don’t let this use of term continue. Seek out others who feel same. Use Divigo to build confidence…

Divigo Supports

MINI COURSES/Think Again course 2 video /“Know Racism” (6 Minutes)

HELP CENTRE scenario/Racism/“Racist nicknames on the Jobsite”. (See advice to a manager on how to handle a similar situation.) 8 Mins. read
