The Incident
Two of my staff are from the same country but different religions. Both have just refused an assignment I gave them that would have meant working together. How do I handle this?
Quick Steps

1. ASSERT (in your mind): We are a team. We must find a way to work together.
2. ASSESS: How can I respect religious differences while getting the job done ? Begin by speaking to the staff separately.
3. ARTICULATE: Examples: [Adjust wording as needed].
“I appreciate the religious situation back home: but you’re not back home, and the job requires you to work together…“
“The Human Rights Code does not support re-assigning you on the basis of religion…”
“Your antipathy toward each other is affecting or will inevitably affect the team. …”
“We are a diverse, inclusive environment: how can we support you to be part of this?”
4. ACT
You feel uncomfortable? Tell them the situation must be addressed, if needed with 3rd party involvement.
Your intervention failed? Inform them that you are taking this to HR as their response could be seen as insubordination.
After the situation is resolved? Consider an information session on the Human Rights Code or your organization’s inclusion policy if you have one.
DEI TOOLS AND INSPIRATION/Tales from the Trenches podcast/ “What a Neck Injury taught me about Diverse Teams” (12 Minutes)
HELP CENTRE scenario/Racist Jokes and Inclusive Language /”Discrimination based on Religion”. (10-Minute read)